A Scottish wedding

Last weekend Jonny and I were lucky enough to be invited up to Scotland for a wedding. With only 30 guests, and taking place in a beautiful ruined castle, the wedding itself was stunning! I wore a floral wrap dress with sturdy tan ankle boots, ready to play on the local beach after the ceremony.


The beach was incredible, with miles of white sand and clear sea. Definitely not what I had expected!


The bride and groom had set up party games on the sand, with a coconut shy, boules, croquet and plenty of Fentiman’s fizz to keep us refreshed.


We were very lucky with the weather and it turned out to be a glorious day (which was fortunate given the number of men in kilts with bare legs!)


It was a genuinely brilliant weekend. Even the horrendously hungover 2 hour walk down the beach on the Sunday was made bearable by the scenery.


We’re already planning a trip back to the area to explore the gorgeous beach further!

Mary Berry Fan-girling

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At the end of April my lovely Mum treated me to a trip to the Good Food Show in Harrogate! As part of the day we got to watch my cooking idol Mary Berry demonstrating in the supertheatre.

We arrived super early and were lucky enough to get to see Mary opening the show. Being in the front row meant I was treated to a bake-off wink from the lady herself as well!


The show itself was fantastic (if a little hectic towards the afternoon.) There was plenty of opportunity to taste and sample along the way, which we took full advantage of! Our final purchases included elderflower gin, venison salami and delicious Yorkshire baked pies.


The highlight, however, was watching Mary Berry from the second row in the supertheatre. She put on a genuinely hilarious show and made two dishes from her latest cook book. One of which, the meditteranean vegetable salmon en croute, looked so good that I made it for dinner the following day!

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It was one of those occasions where you genuinely impress yourself with your cooking. I honestly felt like a little bit of a domestic goddess! The salmon definitely tasted better than it looked (turns out my pastry-based art skills are somewhat limited!)


Halfway there…


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Here we go, it’s taken a lot of courage to put myself out here, for my words to be heard on the internet. I felt it was time to share my life in a new, creative manner; by writing a blog. My own little patch of the internet. I’ve been a long time reader of blogs and have regularly felt myself inspired to try out new projects, bake new recipes and generally challenge the way I look at life. The dream is to join the ranks of these inspirational ladies.

It’s a time of lots of changes in my life; I’ve recently moved into a new home and I’m currently in the process of a complete career change! I want blogging to become a part of this new stage of my life, to document my life and what I’ve been up to.

Within this blog you can expect to see items I’ve created, (by a range of creative means!) an insight into my life and what makes me happy, and general random thoughts that I want to share with the world.

I hope you enjoy reading!