January 2019: 5 Good Things

As the month has drawn to a close I’ve found myself making comparisons to this time last year. I’d just quit teaching, was unemployed and my mental health was, quite frankly, in the bin. Fast forward to January 2019 and I’m honestly happier than I’ve felt in a long time, due partly to the lovely things that have happened this month.

1: Trip to London

We spent the first weekend of the month down in London to see the play Harry Potter and the Cursed Child and oh my word, it was AMAZING! The way they brought the magic to stage was incredible and I’m not embarrassed to admit that I was almost in tears at one point. I love the Harry Potter books so I was very pleased that the play did not disappoint!

Whilst in London we also spent a day wandering around the V&A Museum which was as brilliant as ever and I had my first ever visit to the Tower of London. Being an enormous history geek this was a real treat for me.

2: Meeting up with old friends (and new!)

Whilst in London we met up with some old friends and their little boy – meeting him for the first time was lovely and it was so nice to catch up over brunch.

The following weekend saw us down in Chester catching up with some other friends and their new baby girl. Needless to say, all the warm fuzzies were there post both meet ups.

3: Social media ban

I could hardly write this post without mentioning this. I’ll blog in more detail about the impact removing social media for a month has had but it’s been fab. I feel so much happier without it having such a grasp over me.

4: Quality husband/wife time

Jonny spent 5 out of the last 9 weeks of 2018 away travelling for work so it’s been fantastic having him at home this month. We’ve had a couple of cinema trips, chilled out at home and generally just spent time enjoying each others company and it’s been perfect.

5: Getting back into reading

I’ve always loved reading but found that I’d got into a rut of not reading anywhere near as much as I would have liked. I managed 51 books in 2018, so I was still reading but I want to improve on that this year. So far I’ve managed to get onto my 9th book of 2019 over the last month.

I know a lot of people don’t enjoy January but this one really has been such a good one. It’s been nice to get back into a happy place (carrying out a HUGE declutter has definitely helped this!) How about you? What has January had in store for you?

5 Good Things #1

I’ve been utterly rubbish of late at keeping up with blogging. Things are more manic than usual at work which, coupled with extra responsibilities there, has left me with little energy to do anything but collapse on the sofa in the evening.

I’m meant to be updating some assessment bits and planning for next week right now, so obviously I’m dicking around on the internet and blogging. I am, as always, the queen of procrastination.

Anyway, here’s a quick kick up the arse back into blogging with a 5 Good Things post. I always like reading these from other people so thought I did give my own a go.

Clothes Haul1: Shopping

I haven’t had a proper day shopping since spring. I prefer to online shop then I don’t have to deal with crowds of people. Last week the mothership and I spent the day at the Trafford Centre and I spent pretty much all my wages in Zara, H&M and Pull & Bear. I’m now poor but am armed with cosy items (and some token stripes) ready for winter.

Glitter Paint2: Decorating

So far the living room is pretty much done, our hallway/stairwell/landing is a work in progress and our bedroom is almost there.  I’ve even managed to involve glitter paint in the process. I am loving the feeling of satisfaction as a room comes together and looks as I’d envisioned it.

3: Baby cuddles

A few of our friends are either about to have or have just had babies and cuddles with one particularly dinky little chap last weekend definitely put a smile on my face.

Christmas Percy Pigs4: Festive treats

I’m a sucker for anything even vaguely Christmas related so finding that M&S have Christmas themed Percy Pigs has just made my Saturday. He’s wearing a little Santa hat and I can not cope with the cuteness. It definitely hasn’t stopped me eating them though!

Mr&Mrs Candles5: The clocks going back

I love the darker evenings as they make my love of burning an excess of candles and hiding under a blanket on the sofa socially acceptable and, dare I say it, even cool? As I’m now apparently fully embracing the hygge trend.

What things have been brightening your autumn recently?