
I’m a little late to the 2018 blog post party but better late than never, right?

The first week of 2018 was spent with a delightful stomach bug whilst my, very lucky, husband got to travel to Uganda with work. He then had to travel to India during the second week so I’ve been left to entertain myself/having the mothership round to entertain me.

2017 ended in a bit of a whirlwind. I handed my notice in at work and, as of 31st December, I’m no longer a primary school teacher. The ins and outs of that are possibly for another post, but let’s just say that being diagnosed with anxiety and depression by the doctor at the end of October probably covers most of those bases.

So, here we are in 2018. For me that means starting to look after myself better whilst also trying to find the illustrious dream job!

Things I’ve been doing to up my ‘self-care’ (is it just me that feels a bit wanky saying that?) are:

  • starting to learn yoga.
  • attempting to get fitter – Jonny took me running on Sunday morning – I am seriously unfit.
  • reading more. My tbr pile is getting a bit out of control and I really enjoy the escapism of reading so the next challenge is to plough through that!
  • cracking back on with the mindfulness; I’ve tried this before and found it helped but have fallen off the wagon so I’ve been enjoying creating a slightly calmer head space recently.
  • stopping feeling guilty when I say no to something.

Happy, belated, new year everyone. I hope it’s a good one.


11 thoughts on “2018”

  1. You did better than me! I quit teacher training after two months, realising I’d made a mistake and would rather have evenings and weekends than be a teacher! Sadly, I gave up a job (TA) in a school I love and ended up unemployed for a year before finally getting a new TA job… three years later I’m still there but I I hate it, it’s not right for me. I don’t regret my decisions though as there are things that wouldn’t have happened had I not taken the path I chose so there were a few positives to come out of it too. I keep looking for a different job… maybe one day I’ll find one!

    I think it’s a very brave decision to have made and there’s that saying about things falling apart to better things can come together… in the meantime, you have some bonus free time to catch up on the reading pile! As Sharon said, things can only get better πŸ™‚


    1. Thank you! I’ve just sent off an application for a post (very different) from teaching but I’m excited now for the new opportunities ahead. That and finally working through the TBR mountain πŸ™‚
      I hope you manage to find a post that makes your soul happy one day lovely x


  2. Lovely Rebecca..it’s so nice that both of us today have done a post after long time!we’re always connectedπŸ˜πŸ˜‰!!!I wish you to find your dream job in 2018 and to feel happy and satisfied! 😊lots of love your way😘


  3. Lovely Rebecca..it’s so nice that both of us have done a post today after long timeπŸ˜‰we’re always connected!!!😍I wish you to find your dream job in 2018 and to feel happy and satisfied!!!😊lots of love your way😘


  4. Haha I know exactly what you mean about cringing ever so slightly when using the expression ‘self care’! Great list though and it sounds like it’s about time that you made the time for all of those things – hopefully you’re feeling better already after handing in your notice and ending that stage in your life. Lovely to see you back posting again too πŸ™‚

    C x


    1. Thank you! I’m definitely starting to feel more like me again, which is lovely. I’ve just sent off an application for something so I’m feeling like I’m having a productive Thursday afternoon! x


  5. I feel like, even two years down the line, I haven’t properly processed my feelings about leaving teaching – a strange mixture of relief and grief. But you took a brave step to take care of your own health and well being – best of luck for 2018!


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